I know you are all just itching to find out what the newest thing on the internet will be. Look no further! I have it all sorted out and taken the liberty of posting a few examples: Being Have pictures taken of you, your friends, or just random objects doing what they inherently do: exist.… Continue reading New Internet Memes
Author: Mike Burns
Doing Social Media Marketing the Right Way
I’m having problems with some DLL files in my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 install, and can’t afford a fresh install at this point. I came across this software: DLL Suite and I gotta say, they are doing things right. They offer their software for FREE* as long as people share it in their social media… Continue reading Doing Social Media Marketing the Right Way
All these New Movies…
So, I recently came out of my art-film kick and decided to watch some good, old-fashioned (or rather, new-fashioned) blockbuster action films. I’ve seen so much hubbub about The Avengers, and the complete Marvel series, as well as The Dark Night Rises. I also decided to catch up on the X-Men series. I basically have… Continue reading All these New Movies…
Speak Softly and Always Carry a Big Stick
… and a bread knife. The other day I was carrying my walking stick around the city (I did a video shoot where it was *necessary*, plus carrying around a big stick makes for good conversation and just plain looks cool). Near the end of my adventures, I decided to relive my friend of his… Continue reading Speak Softly and Always Carry a Big Stick
Absolute Relativism
Well, this post has to start somehow, so I might as well start it with something that might draw the reader in, seeing as the most obvious purpose of a blog website is for people to read it. I really like the web comic xkcd. If you’re not familiar with it, check it out. But… Continue reading Absolute Relativism
X-Files in a Nutshell
So, I’m first of all a huge fan of the X-Files, and have watched every episode and every movie multiple times, in English as well as in German, and have read many fan-sites and documents explaining the all-elusive X-Files mythology. However, I just wanted to, once and for all, explain the mythology in my own… Continue reading X-Files in a Nutshell
Tool 800% Better
So of course the best band of all time is tool (based on a rigorous rating-system that includes listenability, creativity and usefulness as some of its factors), but I recently stumbled upon their song, “Parabol” (from the album, “Lateralus”) played at 0.08 times the original speed (not exactly 800% slower, but easier to explain). In… Continue reading Tool 800% Better
Justin Bieber
First of all, let it be known that “Bieber” is German for “beaver”. Although I’ve been out of the US for some time, and don’t watch television at all, nor do I read newspapers or listen to gossip on the train, I’ve still heard about this boy-wonder known as Justin Beaver (Bieber, sorry). At first… Continue reading Justin Bieber
Preventing Server Attacks
First of all, I don’t claim to be an expert in linux, server management, or security. But I’ve been doing this a long time and have dealt with many MANY problems and always seem to find a solution. However, I’ve mostly been working on other people’s servers or working on VPS (Virtual Private Server) or… Continue reading Preventing Server Attacks
Hallo, Welt!
So, I finally did it. After 20 some-odd years of developing websites, I finally got my own. Well, excluding the myriad of test websites I’ve started to try and determine the “perfect home page”. In any event, there are a lot of things I feel I need to share with the world, plus this should… Continue reading Hallo, Welt!